What is Benjammin Bash
The Benjammin Bash - a Cancer proceeds benefit - was created to raise money for the Benjamin McAllister Scholarships, but to also all come together in the spirit of Ben and enjoy good food, drinks, good company, and some rockin’ music.
-The McAllister Family
Bash 2024 Results!
We are thrilled to share that we raised over $22,000 for the Benjamin McAllister Cancer Research Scholarships at the University of Chicago! We are so grateful for the continued support for this amazing cause. Keeping Ben’s name and legacy alive through these intelligent and successful scholars means the world to our family! A huge thank you to Dr. O’Donnell’s guidance and support of keeping these scholars alive!
Thank You to this year’s Bloomington Benjammin Bash Elite Event Sponsors!
SAVE The DATE! Bash 2025 SEPTEMBER 27Th!
Ben’s Story
Ben McAllister was a vibrant, active 23 year old young man living in Minneapolis where he had graduated from the University of St. Thomas in 2014. He was working for a young start up financial company (Core Income) that was growing rapidly. He was intelligent, athletic, and handsome; and his friendly, likable demeanor was unmistakable to all he met and befriended. During a visit to his hometown of Bloomington, IL he was taken to a local hospital complaining of severe pain in his lower back. Upon discovering a very large mass on his kidney, he was immediately admitted to the University of Chicago and within a week was diagnosed with a very rare kidney cancer – Translocational Renal Cell Carcinoma. Dr. Peter O’Donnell met with Ben and his family to learn about how rare this cancer was – less than 200 cases ever reported. Ben began treatment under the care of Dr. O’Donnell to combat tumor growth within the kidney and the metastasized areas of the lymph nodes and chest. After two months of living at home. Ben made the decision to return to work and live in Minneapolis where he continued various chemotherapy and radiation treatments for over 6 months. He so wanted his life to be as normal as possible in spite of this stage IV cancer that was raging inside of him. Unfortunately, there was no treatment that could slow down this cancer – he ultimately began immunotherapy in July of 2016, but it proved to be unsuccessful as well to slow down this powerful cancer. Benjamin lost his battle on September 12th, 2016, only ten short months after being diagnosed. He remained strong and positive throughout and chose to live out his life among friends and family. He did not want to be defined by his cancer. Ben lived his life actually as if he knew it would end far too soon. We could all learn so much from knowing Ben or even hearing his story. He was always having fun, making people laugh, and knew how to fully enjoy each moment. He would never pass up a good meal, a good drink, or a good time. And most of all, he never took his relationships with his family and friends for granted. He loved above all else. Our hope is through these scholarships, the young minds in the University of Chicago Medical community will someday be able to discover a way to allow a young person like Ben to continue to live a longer and healthier life.
We’re Nancy & Mark McAllister - Ben’s parents.
Nancy and I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of those who have donated, sponsored, collaborated with set-up and attended our Benjammin Bash’s in Bloomington, IL and Minneapolis, MN. To lose such a wonderful son, brother, and friend to all left a devastating hole in our family; but thanks to Dr. Peter O’Donnell, Ben’s initial cancer physician, and the University of Chicago, we can keep his uplifting spirit alive with three prominent Cancer Research Scholarships!
Now eight years later, ten scholar recipients, over $250,000 generated and the ability to have sponsor support, we continue to witness great strides in research and implementations being made by our Scholarship recipients. This support has resulted in saving lives and helping those suffering with cancer and other diseases ability to battle longer and with less pain.
Please join my family, friends, and relatives on September 21st at our wonderful hosts, Lil Beaver Brewery in Bloomington, IL for music, raffles, and a Silent Disco by Joe W to keep Benjamin’s gift of living life with passion and presence alive and well!